Green planet, physical painting, 3D Relief (3D Relief, sandstone paint, hand painting)
$214.00 $279.00
Bud, physical painting, 3D Relief (3D Relief, paint, hand painting)
$214.00 $279.00
Golden Shallow Valley, oil painting, abstract oil painting, ocean and lake (with gold foil and hand drawn oil painting)
$214.00 $279.00
Three stars, real object painting, 3D Relief (3D Relief, sandstone paint, hand painting)
$179.00 $232.00
Imagination, oil painting, abstract oil painting (hand drawn texture oil painting)
$179.00 $232.00
Basketball life, physical painting, comprehensive materials (wood carving, acrylic, blue frame, basketball toys)
$179.00 $232.00
Miss perfume, real object painting, acrylic, lighting (acrylic, 3D Relief, perfume bottle, LED light band, remote contro...
$214.00 $279.00
Window, physical painting, acrylic (acrylic, UV printing, acrylic cover)
$250.00 $325.00
Rhythm, physical painting, acrylic, dynamic device (wave acrylic, metal, UV printing)
$429.00 $557.00
Fence, physical painting, comprehensive material (printed on wooden boards, hand drawn, solid wood frame)
$179.00 $232.00
Mountains, oil painting, abstract oil painting, physical painting, 3D Relief (3D Relief, sandstone paint, hand painting)
$143.00 $186.00
Fangyuan, oil painting, abstract oil painting, physical painting, 3D Relief (3D Relief, sandstone paint, hand painting)
$143.00 $186.00
Land of illusion, real object painting, 3D Relief (3D Relief, paint, hand painting)
$214.00 $279.00
Thin thread horse, physical painting, comprehensive material (silk thread, nails, leather)
$286.00 $371.00
The Rhythm of Life, Oil Painting, Physical Painting, Paper Art (Art Paper Modeling, Hand Painted Texture)
$429.00 $557.00
$286.00 $371.00
Double circle, real object painting, 3D Relief (3D Relief, sandstone paint, hand painting)
$143.00 $186.00
Exploration of Light, Physical Painting, Metal (Iron Crafts, Paint, LDE Lights, Remote Control)
$464.00 $604.00
Hong Yun, oil painting, abstract oil painting, physical painting, 3D Relief (3D Relief, hand painted texture)
$143.00 $186.00
Billiards life, physical painting, comprehensive materials (leather, acrylic, aluminum alloy frame, billiards club)
$321.00 $418.00