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Showing 1- of 11 products
Golden lake, physical painting, metal, comprehensive materials (stainless steel, 3D Relief, sandstone paint, hand painti...
$536.00 $696.00
Dream painting, oil painting, abstract oil painting, physical painting, metal (3D Relief, sheet metal cutting, UV printi...
$250.00 $325.00
Circular defect, physical painting, metal (stainless steel shape, electroplating)
$643.00 $836.00
Painting with lights, physical painting, metal (stainless steel, electroplating, LED lights, remote control)
$1,143.00 $1,486.00
Gold Super Donut, physical painting, metal (stainless steel, hand crafted, silver plated)
$464.00 $604.00
Silver Super Donut, physical painting, metal (stainless steel, handmade shape, electroplated silver)
$464.00 $604.00
Exploration of Light, Physical Painting, Metal (Iron Crafts, Paint, LDE Lights, Remote Control)
$464.00 $604.00
Jinshan, physical painting, metal (iron art, paint)
$214.00 $279.00
Green planet, physical painting, metal, leather fabric (leather, metal balls)
$214.00 $279.00
Blue donuts, oil painting, physical painting, metal (stainless steel, electroplating)
$536.00 $696.00
Blue planet, physical painting, metal ball, leather, acrylic cutting
$385.70 $501.40